Back to School Organizing: A Stress-Free Guide for a Successful Year

As summer vacations come to an end, preparation for a new school year begins! As a Chicago-based professional organizer, I understand the mix of emotions that this time of year can bring. It’s something I help my clients with and am here to pass along our Unfuss words of wisdom. From shopping for school supplies to coordinating schedules and managing clutter, preparing for back to school can be a daunting task. However, with the right strategies and a bit of planning, you can transform the back-to-school season into a smooth and enjoyable experience for the whole family. In this blog post, I will share some valuable tips and tricks to help you tackle back-to-school organizing, ensuring a stress-free and successful year ahead.


Unfuss’s Best Tips for Back-to-School Organizing:

  1. Declutter & Organize

    Before the new school year starts, take some time to declutter and organize your home by sorting through your children's clothes, toys, and school supplies, and donating or discarding items that are no longer needed. Creating organized spaces will not only make it easier to find essential items for morning and night routines but also provide a clutter-free environment for your kids to study and focus.


    A well-organized family calendar is a great way to keep everyone on the same page during the school year. Whether it's a physical wall calendar, one for the fridge, or a digital one, make sure it includes important dates, school events, extracurricular activities, and any other commitments so the entire house knows what to expect and can plan their days accordingly.


    A designated homework station is crucial for fostering good study habits. Set up an area with all the necessary school supplies, such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and a quiet space for focused studying. Having a consistent and organized spot for homework will help your children stay on track and minimize distractions.


    Mornings can be chaotic, but with a well-organized routine, they can become much more manageable. Prepare as much as possible the night before, such as packing backpacks, setting out clothes, and prepping lunch boxes. Establishing a morning schedule that allows ample time for breakfast and getting ready will also help reduce stress and ensure a positive start to each day.


    Incorporate your children into the back-to-school organizing process. Allow them to make choices about their school supplies, lunch options, and even their study space. When kids have a say in their environment, they are more likely to take ownership and maintain order throughout the year.


    Use technology to your advantage by digitizing important documents, such as school schedules, medical forms, and contact information. This will help reduce paper clutter and make it easier to access crucial information on the go.

Let's remember that this time of year can be both thrilling and overwhelming. But fear not, with a little planning and creativity, you can easily breeze through it! From decluttering and creating a centralized calendar to setting up a cool homework station, these simple hacks will make your life much easier.

Get the kids involved, let them choose their favorite school supplies, and jazz up their study spaces with their unique touch. As you streamline morning routines and embrace digital organization, you'll wonder why you didn't try these tricks sooner!

So, as you gear up for the new school year, take a deep breath and remember that you've got this! With your family's support and these back-to-school organizing tips, you'll conquer the chaos and turn it into a well-organized, stress-free adventure.

Here's to a fantastic back-to-school season filled with wonderful memories and successful achievements!

Ready to unfuss your home? There’s no time like the present.

If you’re on the fence about hiring a professional organizer, start here and book a free 30-minute discovery call so we can get you one step closer to an unfussed home!


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